Tom interviewed on AMS Clear Skies Ahead podcast

less than 1 minute read


Check out my interview on AMS’s Clear Skies Ahead podcast, where I talk about my experience as an oceanographic researcher at Scripps and interviewing/onboarding for a new job during the pandemic. AMS created this podcast to inform the public about meteorology-related careers.

Describing my background and career choices in the interview, I realized that it has been a winding path into BOEM. During much of that time, I didn’t have clear medium- to long-term career goals, as I was focused on studying cool problems in the short-term. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this “go with the flow” career approach to others (especially if you want to make money), but it has worked out for me so far, and I managed to live in Hawaii and San Diego for a combined 13 years.

Bonus points to the podcast hosts, Kelly Savoie and Rex Horner, for asking me about MIT football.